Thursday, July 29, 2010

pulley time

1. Adam's sister, Turauna, and 3 of her girls came out from Michigan for a few days to visit. His other sister, Kelly, and her two boys also came up from Vegas, so it was a bit of a Pulley reunion last week (minus Ann and Andrew's families). Each day offered some fun and a chance to spend time together. I had been feeling pretty bad about our summer thus far, but I think we squeezed in a lot of fun in a few days, so the guilt has been relieved a little bit. The boys had a blast getting to play with their cousins for four days straight and staying up way too late. It was sad to see them go. This was only the second time that I had met Turauna & her daughter Stacie since being married to Adam, and the first time meeting her daughters, Rachel and Kelli (I have yet to meet Natalie). That just doesn't seem right... it makes me realize just how lucky/blessed I am that all of my siblings live within an hour of each other (it's a good thing we like each other). Here are a bunch of pics. We didn't get any at the candy factory - which Isaac is still talking about with great enthusiasm (SO MANY MACHINES!).

ATV ride:

A little rain couldn't keep us from having fun.

Asa sharing a cookie with uncle Mark.

Picnic in Provo Canyon:

One of many times I heard, "Mommy look at me!".

Hike to Stewart Falls:

Kelli and Stacie

Yet another sweet firework show right in our own front yard:

2. So, as we were eating breakfast this morning, Luke says, "Let's call the baby Floozy".
To which Isaac replied, "Floozy? That's a hot name for a girl."
Okay, so I'm pretty certain that my boys don't know what a 'floozy' is, but it's kinda odd that a) Luke came up with it out of the blue, and b) how much sense Isaac's comment made afterward... weird.

3. For a while now, Luke has a line in his prayers that makes me laugh. He says, "Thank you for the opportuners." Isaac keeps trying to correct him into saying 'opportunities', but I think it's funny, so I tell Isaac to just leave it alone (no wonder Luke has speech issues - I'm unwilling to correct him). I'm not exactly sure what 'opportuners' he is thankful for, but he is definitely thankful for them.

4. Adam's brother Mark has been trying to quit smoking, and has now been smoke free for over 3 weeks. This was very exciting news for Isaac, since he has worried about his uncle Mark smoking. He keeps saying, "It's good that uncle Mark stopped cigaretting."

5. Warning: the following story involves the 'P' word: So, you know that feeling in your stomach that you get when you go over bumps in the road? Well, the other day we went over a few bumps in the road and Isaac (in all seriousness) says, "Mommy, when we go over those bumps in the road, it kind of scares my penis." Holy cow, did I have a good laugh!

More pics:

A first: All 3 boys sucked into a movie at the same time.

So creepy...

so very, very creepy.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

determination at it's finest

1. My poor Isaac. The kid has the heart of a champion... he just lacks the coordination of one. But, this week he conquered one of the most humanly difficult skills. Pumping himself on the swing. Yes, there are many a 3 & 4 year old who have mastered this skill, but for Isaac (who is almost 6), it hasn't come so easy. The effort has been there... just too much of it. I really wish I would have thought to record his attempts, because it is probably one of the funniest things to have witnessed. There is such a thing as overdoing it when pumping. You just end up working against those natural forces that you're trying to use in your favor. But, I guess he toned it down a bit, and got a little rhythm going. I had actually given up hope of this day, but his determination payed off. Way to go little dude!

2. The very next day Luke figured out how to swing by himself as well. Which sorta surprised me, because he is the complete opposite of Isaac. He may have the coordination to do something, but he doesn't always have the attitude to try. Where Isaac will keep trying, Luke usually gets frustrated and gives up (then collapses into a heap of body when you try to encourage him to try again). There have been a few short-lived attempts by him to learn how to swing, but nothing that would have led me to believe it would happen so soon. Good job little buddy!

I'm not sure what to say about this one.

3. Speaking of slow: Asa has FINALLY decided that I am worthy to be addressed by name. Up until the last couple of days, he has only said 'mama' a couple of times. So, I knew he was capable - he just hasn't felt the need to say it (uncool). He says 'dadda', Isaac (Eye), and Luke (Oooo) plenty, but nothing for the one who brought him into this world. Granted his speech isn't all that impressive at this point, but come on!

But, he's finally giving me something now. Of course now he usually says it when he's upset about something... kind of like an expletive. But, I'll take whatever I can get.

4. While watching a show about hippos, I heard Isaac ask, "Daddy, are hippos dangerous?"
Adam: "Yes, they probably kill more people than any other animal in Africa." (You may want to google that before taking that as fact :)
Isaac: "How? By sitting on them?"

5. Luke was chewing on a piece of steak and apparently he had been doing so for a while, because he spit it out and said, "Ah, this is not working in my mouth."

A few pics:

The boys running circles around our sweet firework show on the 4th of July.