Sunday, October 4, 2009

wait. where did september go?

1. Summer is definitely over. We have pulled out our pants and jackets and the shorts are now buried in the bottom of our drawers. Our garden is gone now. This is very sad for Luke, who loved nothing more than to pick the slightest hint of a vegetable.

We are excited for fall and have enjoyed the beautiful colors. I just hope that we get to enjoy a bit more of it before winter takes over (we have already seen snow, and it does not get me excited).

2. Asa called 911 last week from our home phone. I found this out when a nice police officer knocked on my door and asked me if we were alright or if I was being held against my will. I guess the phone will have to stop being a toy.

3. Just when I start questioning Luke's comprehension/intelligence, he makes the most impressive observations. Out of the blue, the other day, he says, "When you poop you get goosebumps." He's a lot smarter than I give him credit for.

4. Adam got his goat (hee hee). He drew out for a mountain goat tag - a once in a lifetime tag. I was excited for him, because he has really wanted to do this hunt for a while. But, I wasn't too excited for the time that I thought it would require (it's not an easy hunt). He did a lot of scouting before the hunt started, which means he climbed many mountains. Most of the time he observed the goats they were in some pretty precarious spots - that is why I expected it to take a while. Well, lo and behold, the first day of his first hunting trip, he ended up shooting a goat. There happened to be a decent goat in a perfect spot, so he took it. He was happy, I was happy... we are both very happy.

5. Now for a 'Divine Inspiration' story - seriously. So, I hadn't been able to find my phone for almost 2 days. I had looked every I could think of, but no luck. I didn't even bother calling it, because I knew the battery was low and I figured it was very dead by now. Well, tonight I asked Adam to take the garbage out. Before he walked out the door with the bag of garbage, I decided to grab his phone from him and try to call my phone - just for the heck of it. As I am walking around the house, listening for any ringing, Adam comes back in the house with the bag of garbage and says, "You must be very inspired." Apparently, just as he was putting the garbage into the garbage can, he heard my phone ring. It was in the bag of garbage - I had not thought to look there. I got the phone out of the garbage and now 30 minutes later, it is alerting me that it is about to die. Coincidence?... I think not.

Random pics of the week:

That is a tape measure in his hands. I had no idea that A) Luke was measuring the width of my butt, or B) that Isaac was taking a picture of it. Subtle, aren't they?

Don't they look comfy?


  1. What does one do with a dead goat? And now I must go hide all my tape measures ... (funny pic!)

  2. I blurted out a laugh in the middle of work when I read about the poop and goosebumps coorelation. Pretty funny, I think I almost gossebumped my pants!

  3. So many thing to comment on...

    I have so many frozen squash just waiting for Luke to come pick.

    Will you display the goat proudly in your living room? Can we come see it?

    That picture with the tape measure is pretty funny. Lucky that you look so fantastic and should have no qualms having your fanny measurements posted online.

  4. HAHA, those kids are clearly hired by P90X to get your measurements without you knowing they are tracking you real workout. That is the greatest picture ever. As far as the phone, that's freakin' amazing! Gotta love throwing out the phone. Oh, and equally awesome that 911 was called. I swear, that number is seemingly hard to hit without trying, yet, it happens quite frequently. I guess it's just one of those things. Looks like you guys are still having a blast!! And, tell Adam that he got a nice lookin' goat. Well done.

  5. Love the butt picture...although, you don't have anything to worry about. I'm happy that I am not the only one who lets the baby play with the phone. We haven't called 911, but once he called my sister-in-law while we were driving at night in Arizona, lost, frustrated and screaming at the kids...ugh! At least she understood and laughed. So what do you do when you get a mountain goat? That doesn't look like it would have been fun to get off the mountain.

  6. Your boys crack me up! I forgot to tell you about the story Isaac told at preschool about Luke's sleeping arrangement...remind me to tell you. I can't stop laughing at the measurement picture. So funny!
