Friday, October 23, 2009

funny little man

1. It's mostly about Luke this week. He says some of the darndest things, and this week was no exception. First, are some phrases that he has recently added to his already expressive vocabulary. I have been hearing a lot of, "Oh, shut up!" (as in, 'no way', not 'be quiet'), "Oh, come on!" (as in 'you're kidding'), and "Oh my heck!" (Utah boy all the way). Some other things he has been saying a lot this week are some things that we frequently say to him - he's turning the table on us: "Daddy, you're a stinker!" (in a fun-loving way), "Mommy you're a mister!" (ouch), "Daddy you're a turd!" (once again, fun-loving). When all of these phrases are said in Luke's one-of-a-kind voice, you can't help but laugh.

2. The other day Adam set some ice cream on the counter, then had to leave the room for a moment. Well, 'Quick-hands Luke' seized the moment and helped himself to the ice cream. Adam came back and Luke's face was covered with ice cream. Adam started sharing the ice cream with the other boys and Luke asked him for some. Adam said, "You already have some on your face." Then Luke said, "Yeah, but I don't got any on my tongue."

3. For family night Adam gave a lesson about testimony. At the end of the lesson, he said, "I want to share my testimony with Isaac, and Luke, and mommy." Then Luke adds, "and daddy, and Heavenly Fadder (father)... and pumpkins." Always concerned for the pumpkins, he is.

Isaac and Luke both shared their testimonies, and I wrote down what I remembered:

Isaac: "I know Jesus died on the cross so we can live on Earth. Joseph Smith told us none of the other church's were true."

Luke: I can't remember his word for word, but he started by saying something about dying, then added, "And, I don't like skeletons."

4. Today Adam took the boys to the bank and while in line Luke was checking out a skeleton decoration. Luke turns to Adam and says, "Skeletons don't got a penis." He's observant, I tell you.

5. Here is an Asa moment that showed me he's a bit smarter than I give him credit for. I made some banana chocolate chip muffins for breakfast one morning, as I often do. I did some with chocolate chips and some without (for me, since I new I would end up eating half of them by myself). I gave Asa one without chocolate chips and he looked at it, took a bite, then started whining and just crumbling it. At first I couldn't figure out why he was so ornery, then I handed him a muffin with the chocolate and he ate it all up. I gave him another one, and he ate it too. I seriously think that he knew the muffins normally have chocolate chips and was ticked that I would serve him the lame ones that didn't have them.

Pics of the week:

Still not walking, but cute as ever.

Car phone. Ha ha ha.

Asa smothering Isaac.

This is Asa about 20 times a day. He climbs into one of the bouncer/walkers, gets stuck like this, and starts jabbering for me to come and get him out.

Luke has moved on from being obsessed with picking my garden, to picking up leaves. We have bags full of leaves lying around our house.

My boys want me to be a witch for Halloween, so I'm going to be a witch. They are as excited about my costume as they are their own. Here they are trying it on for themselves.

It gives me a glimpse at what cute girls I would have made.


  1. First off, the skeleton observation is awesome. Second, love your car phone joke. Thirdly, no kidding he doesn't want lame non-chocolate. Fourthly, your kids are adorable and hilarious. You should try to find a niche market for those bagged leaves, it seems like something that could be made profitable, as most people don't have the time to single-handedly bag them with love. Love your updates!

  2. If it makes you feel any better, Gracie's not walking either. I LOVE Luke's comments!

  3. Amy,
    I think your kids are hilarious. I loved the story about Luke in the Bank. You and Adam are great parents. By the way are dressing up for the party at Steph's?
