Friday, November 20, 2009

design by isaac

1. So Isaac, like most kids, loves to hang stuff up in his room. He also has his "special stuff" displayed on his shelves. As he was looking for some tape to hang yet another picture on his wall, he made this comment: "Remember when my room was new and there were no pictures and it looked boring? So, I drawed pictures and hung them up to design it. I did it so it doesn't look so boring and so it could look cool."

Here is a sample of his work. If anyone is interested - his fees are very reasonable:

2. Luke. Just when I think we are through the ugly, it comes back - full force. The last couple of weeks have been a bit trying with the little guy. Adam and I are wracking our brains, trying to come up with a solution. We've got nothing. We are trying, harder than ever, to be strong, patient and understanding... and trying to "pick our battles".

One thing about Luke though: he makes you laugh. It may be a 'crazy mom' laugh, but there is still laughter. Like, the conversations he has with himself when he is sitting in his room, upset. Say I deliver any type of news contrary to Luke's wishes. Well, then his ever so predictable reaction is to run - drama queen like - into his room and shut/slam the door behind himself. Then, I am almost guaranteed to hear something like this: Luke, in an offended voice, "Mommy, not let me have cereal... mommy say I can't have cereal cause I didn't eat my food." At least Luke gives me the drama I would otherwise miss out on from not having girls.

3. Upon having one of those "it's too quiet moments", I went on a search for Luke and discovered this:

Mascara. At least it was contained to just his face, so no real damage done.

4. The boys were thrilled to welcome our first (or second) snow storm this season. As soon as Luke noticed flakes falling from the sky, he ran to the 'winter apparel' bin and got himself ready to go:

After some help rounding up coats and a second boot, they were ready to play:

As I was hanging out inside the house, I thought I heard someone screaming. I looked outside and Isaac was urgently yelling for me to come and untie him from the trailer because he had to pee. Laughing, I hurried out (but, still taking time to grab the camera), and got a picture of his great idea - he wanted to jump from the top of the trailer and have the rope catch him. Thankfully, he tied to rope too long. And, thankfully he had a full bladder to prevent him from another attempt.

5. I had the young women in our ward over to teach them how to make pies. Once they left, my boys were ready to make some pies of their own:

Isn't he the cutest little baker?

Random pics:

Who knows.

Another cute picture thanks to Isaac.


  1. Isaac's design job is awesome. He's quite the decorator.
    Love the trailer story too.

  2. Wow, quite the interior designer. That room is certainly no longer boring. Job well done. As far as the rope idea, wow, what kids think will work and actually not kill them. If only I still had no fear like that. Also awesome that they deck themselves out for winter, but good thing you're there to help with the final touches. haha. Good luck with the conversations about what you have done to him. Kids always make you become a good problem solver. Sounds like you're up to the task.
