Tuesday, January 19, 2010

frosty the snowman

1. Isaac has been dying to make a snowman, but unfortunately the snow hasn't quite cooperated. He has talked about it a lot, asked many a question, and has had his plan ready to go. During one of our conversations he told me how he would construct his snowman: "I will make a big snowball, then a medium snowball, then a little snowball. Then I will put a good looking carrot for his nose... mom, do we still have a good looking carrot in the fridge? Then I will put 3 rocks on the middle part, and buttons for his eyes, and coal for his mouth. And, I will put a scarf around his neck... mom, do you have some string that we can use for his scarf? And, put a hat on his head." Last week we finally had just enough new snow to allow Isaac to fulfill his snowman making dream. He named him Frosty.

2. My boys love to give gifts. These gifts are usually items they have found around the house, wrapped in paper that they have decorated. Luke's last present was a plate. He was in another room trying his best to wrap it, and, as usual, I had orders not to look. But, after a while he asks me, "Mommy, could you help me? Close your eyes." So, with my eyes closed, I wrapped a plate so that Luke could give me a present.

3. Isaac and I were talking about names. I was telling him what some of our family member's full names were, then asked him if he remembered what his was. He said, "Isaac Pulley Stephen". After I corrected him, he said, "That sounds like a handsome name."

4. The other night I saw Isaac with a pair of plastic tweezers (the kind that come in those bug catcher kits) telling Luke to hold still while he attempted to pluck his eyelashes. Laughing, I stopped him and told him we don't pluck eyelashes. He says, "Oh. Do we pluck eye boogers?"

5. Asa is at that age where pretty much everything he does makes you go "awww". Other than his climbing, eating markers, writing on walls, and playing in the toilet, he is so much fun. He still says very few words - just a lot of inflection and a lot of variations of "dah". But, one thing he does that is all too adorable is say "uh huh" to any question you ask him. And, he says it in the cutest way - drawn out and serious. I know he understands some of the questions, like 'do you want a snack/drink', but a lot of the time he just says "uh huh" when he can tell you have asked him a question.

Pics of the week:

Isaac had Luke pose so that he could paint his portrait.

You can't lay on the floor without Asa trying to sit on you. Usually he tries to sit on your head.

The boy's morning ritual: crowd the heat vent for warmth.

Cutest super heroes ever!

Another ritual: waddle out of the bathroom wrapped in towels after bath time. They don't like to be cold.

I think Asa needs a haircut. Or a comb.

Another perfect outfit for fighting crime.

One of Asa's common expressions. He looks ticked, but he's not.


  1. Good looking carrots, handsome names, the Pulleys are one attractive family.

  2. Such a creative name for his snowman. Adorable snowman nonetheless. Glad he finally got to make it. Love the wrapping with your eyes closed. That is quite the talent on your part. Your kids are so creative and clearly very loving and truly enjoy playing with each other. Oh, and I concur, you did give them very handsome names. well done. haha

  3. Simply cute...all the way around.

  4. Ah... I love all these!

    And I totally remember crowding the heating vent to get warm!

    And I'm so glad Nora's not the only one playing in the toilet. (Once was enough for me to freak out and make sure the bathroom door always stays closed. But still. Glad I'm not alone.)
