Tuesday, February 9, 2010

scary toothpicks

1. I think that Luke is finally understanding dreams. The fact that when you sleep, some crazy stuff can happen inside your head. Lately, he comes out in the morning and tells me what he dreamed about (like scary toothpicks and ice with eyes). Then he asks what everyone else dreamed about. He also tells you what he is going to dream about before he goes to bed. Last night he wanted to dream about spiders and spiderwebs and Spiderman (he has been watching Spiderman lately, and has me draw endless amounts of spiderwebs with spiders).

2. The other day Luke was jumping on his bed. Adam went in and picked him up and (jokingly) in a stern voice, says, "You quit jumping on the bed or else I'll body slam you!"
Luke's reply was, "Yes! Do that!"

3. Speaking of Luke's bed being jumped on too much; Adam had to fix it because a board had busted on it. Of course, the second you pull out tools you have the boys undivided attention, so they crowded in to observe/help/annoy Adam while he worked. When Adam asked them to leave while he fixed it, Isaac says, "But I need to watch so that I can fix things when I grow up."

4. So, I was reading a list (a HUGE list) of words that my friend's 18 month old can say. Yes, I am already aware that Asa is seriously behind in this area, but it showed me just how behind he is. Here is Asa's list of words: Dadda, Isaac (I-ya), light (hight), woof (dog, or any other animal, for that matter) - he also does a pretty killer growl when he sees animals - oh, and he makes a zebra noise, uh-huh, da or dah (for everything else). One in particular that I love is when he says his own name (A-ya) when he needs help. If he is stuck up on my bed, or he is caught in something - whatever the need - I know he needs help when I here him call out "A-ya". He doesn't usually panic (unless it's serious) - he'll just keep saying "A-ya" until I come. It's really cute.

5. My boys love to tell me that I look beautiful: "Mommy, you look beautiful", "Mommy I like your shirt", "Mommy, your hair looks pretty", and so on. The other day I was getting dressed for church, and was in my slip, when Isaac says, "Mommy, you look beautiful. You'll look really beautiful when you have all of your clothes on." Isaac also likes to bring me the earrings and necklace he thinks I should wear for the day. It adds the final touch to whatever sweats and t-shirt combo I've got going on.

6. We went tubing with Joe & Dolly. The boys had a blast! Isaac could have gone all day long... Luke was done about the time he found out he could get a treat when we finished. Isaac raced to the tow rope as soon as he was at the bottom of the hill - he didn't care if he knew where we were or not. Luke, on the other hand, expected us to pull him every inch of the way, so he pretty much stayed on his tube the entire time. He definitely had fun though, because before we would even make it to the bottom of the hill, he would say, "Can we go again?!".

Isaac and Emma

Lazy Luke

Joe and Sophie

Luke was completely kicked back on this run... even once the tube was released at the top, he didn't budge. It made me laugh.

Pics of the week:

Hey Slick. This is what happens when Isaac does his hair.

How to wear a bag.

Luke invented a bottle holder.

Best buds


  1. Your boys are so dang cute. Maybe we could arrange a couple of marriages right now and avoid the whole dating thing.

    As a member of the moms-of-late-talkers support group, don't sweat it too much. One day he will start talking and never stop. Take Sarah and Hannah as examples.

  2. If it makes you feel any better, Asa is ahead of Caleb in the talking area and Caleb is 19 months old. The only word he consistently says is Daddy and hi. The only other words he has said once or twice and then stopped completely is doggy, Gracie, eye, teeth. I have his 18 month appointment tomorrow and am hoping to get some guidance, although I'm not too worried.

    I love what Issac said about watching Adam fix things so he can when he grows up. He is such a perceptive little guy. I agree with him wholeheartedly. Love your posts.

  3. Life is so much funnier with kids! Love it every bit.

  4. I love the sweet things your boys say. I love that they think so much of their mommy. She is indeed a beautiful lady, inside and out.

  5. Oh my goodness they are so cute.

    As always, love the pictures.
