Monday, March 22, 2010

x or y?

I heard the heartbeat today... it's official. There is a little Pulley number four in there. Now the big question: is it going to be boy number four (more than likely), or will we be introduced to pink, princesses, and ponies (one can hope)? Obviously, I'm planning on a boy. But, no matter how hard I try, I still have that glimmer of hope just waiting to be dashed.

The boys are pretty excited for us to have a new baby. It's kind of weird, though - I think Isaac new even before we told him (maybe he noticed mommy's rapidly expanding waistline). A few Sundays ago I asked Adam to make me a sandwich before church (since I can't seem to make it more than an hour without eating). When the boys wanted one, Adam told them that mommy needed it because she hasn't been feeling very good. Isaac turns to me and asks, "Is it because you're pregnant?" What?! I was shocked that he would know that. Crazy.

When we first told the boys, Luke seemed only semi interested in the whole thing. But, after I came home today from my appointment and told them that we were for sure going to have a baby and that I had heard the heartbeat, he looked around and asked me where the baby was? After I explained that it's inside me and that it has to grow for a long time, he has been asking none stop questions: "Can the baby see me?", "Can he hear me?", "Can I hear him?", "Does he move all over?".

Before leaving for my appointment today, I asked Luke if he was excited to get a new baby. He says, "We need a new baby so that Asa won't bite us, huh?" First of all, Asa has never bitten him, so I'm not sure where that came from. But, secondly, I was a little saddened that he was so cool with the idea of trading Asa in. I remember when I was pregnant with Asa and I had told Isaac that we were going to have a new baby, his response was, "No! Don't throw Luke in the garbage!". I guess I should learn to rephrase that statement when talking to a four year old - maybe 'another' baby would be more appropriate than a 'new' baby.


  1. Congratulations! But rapidly expanding waistline my eye. You can still smoke us all in our morning workout.

  2. So when are you due? I am so excited for you to add a new little addition to your adorable family!

    p.s. you DONT look pregnant in the least little bit. No expanding waistlines for you...not yet. :)

  3. Congratulations!! I agree with everyone else you don't look at all pregnant. I'll be sending girl vibes your way (but your boys are so cute it would be great to have another)

  4. OH MY GOSH, your kids are HILARIOUS!!! I just laughed out loud to myself with no one but the dogs home when I read about the "asa biting" part of the story and the fact that you're not sure where it came from. But, regardless, CONGRATS!!!! that's so exciting for you guys. You are one brave and energetic lady, but your kids are so cute and great that I can imagine wanting so many. I'm just excited for more awesome and hilarious blog stories that make my week. :)

  5. Congratulations! You definantly don't look it in any shape or form. Boys are great but I hope it is a girl Avery needs a friend.

  6. As a mom of four-of-a-kind, I can relate to that glimmer of hope. I can promise that no matter what, it all works out fine. I hope you're feeling good because you look great.

  7. Congrats! I love reading the things your kids say. They are hilarious!

  8. Congratulations! I'm so excited for you! You are looking great and still going to the church to excercise! Way to go!

  9. It's always so interesting to get a glimpse of what goes on in a child's mind. I love to hear how they interpret news of pregnancy (loved all the "can he see me?" questions).

    So happy for you guys! Hope you aren't TOO sick to enjoy the pregnancy.


  10. I hope it is an X! My boys always point out that I'm 'boy trapped'. They think it is hilarious! Congratulations!
