Monday, April 5, 2010

the salesman

1. I know what Isaac is going to be when he grows up. I use to think he'd be something like an engineer, architect, or rocket scientist. Then I heard one of the most convincing sales pitches,ever.

He came running up to me, and very enthusiastically says, "We need to get a minnie swivel sweeper!" I guess he had been watching an infomercial. He continued, "It comes with two! You don't have to worry about plugs! It doesn't have wheels, only sliders (as he starts running around the room, imitating how it works). It slides on carpet OR tile! It's awesome! The G2 - it's called the G2." If only he had written down the phone number - I would have SO bought the G2.

2. So, it's pretty hard for most people to understand Luke (which is why it was pretty surprising to me that he didn't qualify for speech therapy through the school - but, that's another story). Sometimes I even have a hard time trying to figure out what he is trying to say. That is because he sometimes makes up his own words.

One of those is 'wocco' (pronounced 'walk-oh'). Every time I would make him chocolate milk or hot cocoa, he would say, "I want to wocco it." I would ask him, "What is wocco?", and he would show me the action for stirring. So, I would tell him to say 'stir'. He finally started saying 'stir', but I never quite understood where 'wacco' came from. But, then the other day, I heard him say, "wacco, wacco, wacco", as he was stirring his cocoa. Then it dawned on me. It was the sound effect for stirring.

One more. He wanted me to make him a sandwich and he wanted 'junk' on it. I told him I had no idea what 'junk' was, and asked him if he wanted a PBJ. He said "Yeah, I want junk on it." Not having the slightest clue what he was referring to, I asked him to show me where the 'junk' was. He points up to the cupboard, and just a little to the left of where the normal peanut butter is. There it was. Chunky peanut butter. He was trying to say 'chunk', but since he can't pronounce the 'ch' sound, it was 'junk'. So, now we have 'junk and jam' sandwiches around here. Well, except for Adam. He prefers not to have any junk on his food :)

3. Isaac was noticing Adam's chest hair one morning and said, "Someday I'll have hair on my chest, huh?". Yep, someday. Then he adds, "Someday I'll have big nipples too, huh?". Now, I need to point out that Adam doesn't have big nipples, but it was still funny.

4. So, it has finally happened. My potty mouth has bitten me in the butt. So far I have been abnormally lucky not to have my boys repeat any swearing they may have heard from me (although, they have repeated words like stupid and crap, and I did trace those back to me). It's not like I'm a sailor though - I've definitely improved dramatically since having kids, but accidents still occur. Anyways, a phrase that, unfortunately, I tend to say too often when frustrated is, "Good hell!" So, now Luke, when frustrated/confused/surprised, has started saying the same. I have apologized to him for my poor example and told him that if he won't say that word, then mommy won't either. He has been doing good (so have I), but sometimes he mixes up the 'okay' words with the bad word. He now tries to say things like 'oopsie' or 'oh nuts!', and being a true Utahn, 'good heck!' And after each one he'll ask me, "Is that okay?".

5. I can't wait until I regain some level of motivation. For now, it has completely disappeared... along with my waistline.

Pics of the week:

Asa before his recent haircut. I miss his shaggy hair.


  1. Oh my gosh the picks of the week are all too far as the potty mouth, I often wonder what will come of my kids. Sounds like he picked an okay one to follow after, I think I picked up "oh my hell" in Utah for sure...Totally up on the G2. You totally should have bought it. That is awesome. Heck of a memory...and the wacko is freakin' brilliant!! What a more sensible word to use for that then "stir" because it makes absolutely no sense except that's what it is called. At least he has sense...when you find the motivation, send some my way.

  2. I love how your posts make me literally laugh out loud. This one is full of gems!


    I guess I should update my blog sometime soon, eh? Meh.
