This week's 5 things:
1. Oh, what a sweetheart Isaac is. Today, Adam and I took the boys to the good ol' PCHD (Park City Home Depot) to get materials for some planter boxes that I want to attempt this summer (more exciting info to come). The whole way there Isaac kept saying, "Wo, it's such a beautiful day!"; "Look how pretty everything looks!"; "It is SO beautiful today!" And then he said one of the sweetest things, "Aren't you so happy that Heavenly Father gave us this beautiful day?" I'm grateful he has learned to give credit where credit is due.
2. So, as referenced in #1, I'm going to attempt a garden this summer. I know it's kind of a late start, but I wasn't orginally planning on it this year. But, Isaac finally wore me down. Literally, every time we went to the store and passed by the seed display, he would BEG for us to get some seeds to plant. Well, I decided it was probably a good idea to cultivate this enthusiam for self reliance, so I bought some.
We planted them a couple of weeks ago in some little cups, and we now have a bunch of little sprouts... it's so exciting! So, now my plan is to create a 'square foot garden'. And, to keep things doable for myself, it will start out small. I consider this my practice garden, so hopefully we will harvest some wonderful veggies in a couple of months... I will find out just how green my thumb is. I will post some pictures of the beautiful boxes next week (they are still only images in my head).
3. Now for a Luke moment. Now that Luke is officially potty trained (yay!), he has decided to make things a little more exciting:
We didn't get the camera out quite fast enough, so I will explain what he is doing here. He is on top of the playground and he is pulling up his pants, because he has just finished peeing onto the slide. I guess he has decided that when he is away from a toilet, and feels the need to pee, he will find the most practical/amusing alternative. When he was showering at the pool the other day, it was the drain; when he's on top of a playground, the slide seems the most logical choice. Yes, I am so proud.
4. I need to record one of my favorite Luke-isms before it ends and is forgotten. When Luke gives a kiss, it is a full on pucker. He has been doing it for a good year or so - at first I thought it was probably just a cute little phase, but it has become his trademark. He gets those lips out as far as they will go and leaves you with plenty of spit to remember him by. I've tried a few times to capture it on film, but this is the best I have got so far:
You don't really get the full effect from this picture, but it gives you an idea.
5. Now, a little on Asa. I need to change my description of him over there on the side, because he's not so mild anymore. He's still pretty easy going and he's definitely a happy little guy, but he is pretty intense. For example, any time he gets in water, he gets WAY excited and splashes like a maniac the whole time. I cannot bath him without ending up DRENCHED from him splashing the whole time.
He also loves to make noise, so he's constantly pulling pots out of the cupboard and pushing them around on the tile - cracking up as he does it. It is LOUD and he LOVES it. And, he continues to squeal and scream like a mad man, to make himself heard.
He is getting more and more fun every day as he learns new things. He laughs at silliness; he laughs at the little games we play with him, and he's now learning to clap... I love this age!
Just look at that crazed look in his eyes.