Wednesday, April 28, 2010

the Lukester turns 4

The little guy turned 4 a couple of days ago. I feel that we have had a lot of growth over this last year when it comes to Luke. I'm sure it's been more on our end than on his, but either way I'm pretty sure we have made some progress. Maybe I have just learned to appreciate him more and see what a special kid he is. It's no wonder why he is a favorite among grandmas, aunts, and uncles - I don't think that I have met anyone, big or Luke-sized, who loves like Luke loves.

This year for his b-day we kept things pretty low key. Hangin' at some parks with family and friends... doesn't get any better than that. He did get the Bumblebee gun that had been his only request. He was pretty stoked. Of course, he decided it would be a great idea to take it outside and fill it with dirt and rocks. So, we (Adam) had fun taking it apart and cleaning it. That, my friends, is why you shouldn't waste money on toys. Bubbles and boxes. That's all they need.

Luke requested yet another volcano cake. Well, actually he first requested a 'girl cake'. When I asked him what a girl cake was he said he wanted me to be on it with a volcano. I talked him into putting dinos and spiders on it and he was content.

Here he is flying his new Spiderman kite. It's a good thing the wind was blowing 100 miles an hour that day.

So here are a few things about Luke at 4. I noticed that a lot of them are the same as the list from his last birthday - just worded differently:

1. As mentioned above, he is full of love (unless his brothers are bugging him). He is constantly covering us with kisses. Whatever body part is in the line of fire is what receives the kiss (yes, sometimes it's a little awkward) - usually it's my legs, which explains all the food stains on my pants. He is extremely cuddly and can give the best hugs ever - he just wraps his entire little body around you just like a baby monkey. He tells us he loves us about 3 dozen times a day and finds something to compliment us on at the same time. He simply has a big heart.

2. He can be quite dramatic when he doesn't get his way. He will usually run to his room and sulk until the drama queen in him has subsided. Other times he just collapses into a heap on the floor - unwilling to cooperate or function in any sort of way - I think he knows this is the one that drives me the most crazy. But, one good thing about him, is that when he is done with his 'moment' - he is done. And, he goes back to his pleasant (or semi-pleasant) self.

3. When Luke disappears for more than a few minutes I am usually guaranteed to find him chillin with his blanket on his bed, just taking a break, OR under the table with some gum or candy that he knows he's not suppose to have - he can be pretty sneaky.

4. He is obsessed with getting the mail. Literally, obsessed. His first thought of the day is to go check for mail. It doesn't matter if you tell him it hasn't come yet or that the mailman doesn't deliver on Sunday - he has to see for himself.

5. He is extremely playful. Chasing, laughing, tickling, teasing, wrestling, and spanking bums are what Luke is all about.

6. He loves being with his dad. If Adam is going anywhere, Luke wants to go. The folks at Weller's have the balloons ready for him when they know that Adam will be stopping by since he is his little shadow.

7. When he says, "Thanks Heavenly Father for the food", during a prayer, he usually points to the food as he does so. It's pretty cute.

8. Luke's goal at the moment is to catch a bird. Whenever he spots a bird on the ground, he will immediately go after it and try to chase it down. He's frustrated that he hasn't managed to wrangle a bird yet. Adam told him he needs to sneak up on it, so he's been practicing that technique.

9. He finally enjoys books.

10. I asked Isaac to list some things about Luke and he said, "He likes spiderman, and he likes bumblebee. Oh, and he likes to pick flowers." Luke LOVES to pick not only flowers, but anything that grows in the ground - dead or alive - weeds, grass, leaves, whatever - he loves them all. And, everything he picks ends up in the house - usually in a baggy, since a lot of what he picks are tiny remnants of plants.


  1. What a fun little guy! I LOVE the volcano cake, and realize I may never get the chance to make one.

  2. Wow. That stuff is entertaining. I can't wait for the next b-day post to see how things have changed....also, you totally should have put yourself on the cake and not convinced him otherwise. That would have been awesome!!!

  3. I love that he wanted you on the cake. How lucky are you that your four-year old loves you that much!
