Monday, April 13, 2009


Today, as we were driving home from the park, I found out just how gullible my sweet Isaac is. It all started with a fun game we were playing... I will call it 'there is a bug on your nose!'. Isaac was pretending to be asleep, so I decided to try and make him laugh by saying, "Isaac, there is a spider on your nose!" Of course, it worked and he started giggling, but as he is giggling there is a hint of concern in his eyes and he says, "you're just kidding, right?" So, the game continues...
"Mommy, there's a bug in your hair!", so I shake the bug out of my hair, catch the bug, then eat the bug.
"Luke, there's a worm in your ear!", so he pulls the worm out of his ear, catches it and eats it.
"Isaac, there's a bee in your mouth!", so he laughs, spits the bee out, but still with the hint of concern in the eyes, says "You're kidding, right?"
This game continued for a good 20 minutes (I had a headache from shaking all the bugs out of my hair). But, every time we threw the spider/bug/bee on Isaac, there was that hint of concern behind the laughter and the "you're kidding, right?" And I thought I was paranoid of bugs.


  1. At least you know he won't be putting any real bugs on you!..He is super-cute.

  2. Oh, sweet boy. I'm the same way, though. I prefer the term, "trusting". ;)

  3. Your boys are SO cute. It was fun to come across your little blog.

  4. He's so cute! You know Halle and Isaac are totally us as little kids, right? Halle gathers the bug, Isaac screams, and then she chases him with the's such a vicious cycle! I love your boys!
