Friday, April 17, 2009

what excitement!

Boy, did we have fun today! First of all, Asa discovered that he could open the cupboard, pull out the tuperwear and climb into the cupboard. I'm not sure that I'm ready for this stage again.

Next, Isaac and Luke discovered that they could climb up walls.

And, lastly, I finally managed to give the boys some long overdue haircuts.

I love these guys!!!


  1. Such cute boys. I have a feeling I'm going to get all boys too...hopefully we can squeeze one girl into the fam:-).

  2. Hey it's me Bri, I guess it says Dan cause Dan is logged into google right now.

  3. That is all very impressive, mostly that you can give them haircuts I am too afraid to even try with Drew. Cute Boys!

  4. Amy I love what a positive mother you are!!! It's refreshing
