Friday, May 15, 2009

a birthday note

Yesterday was Adam's birthday. We didn't do much... just went to dinner at the Happy Sumo (one of Adam's favorites) and then back home for some cake with the boys (or skor bar dessert, also his favorite). Although we tend to keep things pretty simple birthdays and/or holidays, we love each other very much. So, I decided to make a note of the 5 things I love most about Adam (warning: what you are about to read may contain some level of cheesiness):

1. Adam is great at making me feel loved and appreciated. He tells me, he shows me, and has proven this over the course of our marriage. He is definitely better at this than I am. And, I need to do a much better job at expressing my love and appreciation to him.

2. He loves and adores our children. My love for him has grown so much as I have watched him as a father. It gives me the greatest peace, knowing that my kids have a father who will always be there for them. He is a great example of integrity, honesty, love, and drive for them to follow.

3. He works very hard to provide for our family and never complains about it. He's good at getting things done (unless it's yard work) and can figure out how to do almost anything... he rarely gives up on a problem.

4. He enjoys life and doesn't waste a lot of time. He enjoys a few different hobbies, which help him keep his sanity. And the time he spends with family and friends is very important to him.

5. He's a pretty easy going and mild tempered person. He is hard to offend, and quick to forgive. But, he is definitely not afraid to speak his mind on something.

I guess that wasn't too cheesy. Now, I'll list 5 things that bug me about Adam... just kidding, I'll keep this positive. I truly love him, and consider him to be my best friend. And, I still feel blessed to be married to him after almost 8 years of marriage.

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