Wednesday, May 13, 2009


I'm still in a state of shock at the moment... the most unbelievable thing happened in the Pulley home today. My little Adam Luke Pulley pooped on the toilet! Twice! The 'big thing' that I have been putting off and putting off, because of total fear, actually happened with very little stress or mess. I guess all it took was the right bribe... gum!

Luke actually decided to start peeing on the potty months ago. He wanted to do it, so he did it... that's Luke. That was pretty surprising to me at the time and should have motivated me to move forward with potty training, but no. I was not mentally ready yet. I thought about it often, but just the thought would make me break into cold sweats. Luke has had a history of playing with his poop!... I have a story about that I will document. How was I going to do this?!

Well, like most things that I have put of because of fear, this has turned out to be easier than anticipated. He had the peeing part down , so it was not too hard for him to figure that he could poop there also... he just needed the right motivation. I've been promising M&M's for months now. Every day he says, "Poop on toilet, get emyems", but then comes back in 5 minutes and says, "I poopy"... so that didn't work so well. So, I tried promising new spiderman underwear if he would poop on the potty. Again, he acted excited about the idea, but nothing. Then, it dawned on me... Luke is OBSESSED with gum. He is constantly raiding my purse, when left within reach, and steeling my gum. Once the promise of gum was made, we had success within the hour! And he got lots of M&M's, a piece of gum, and we are going shopping for some new undies tomorrow. Now, I just hope and pray that things will continue in a positive direction.


  1. haha, glad it worked out so well!! I'll have to remember the gum trick. If only you had known it was gonna be so simple. Sounds like that kid has things pretty well figured out!

  2. Way to go Luke! I am pretty nervous about the whole potty training thing. So it's good to hear what works for others!

  3. That is so cool! It gives me hope for the future, because I am putting it off too.

  4. I just pooped on the potty, can I have some M&M's?
