Sunday, May 17, 2009

5 things

So, when I use to email my little bro on his mission, I would make him a list with 5 things that had happened during the week; to force me to come up with something to write. I usually had to stretch to come up with 1 or 2, let alone 5, but I made it happen. I have recently gone back and looked at some of those emails that didn't end up deleted. It was cool to read about some things that I had completely forgotten about... which is why I am kicking myself for not starting a journal sooner (my blog is pretty much my journal, until I can really get my act together). I can't stand the feeling that I have forgotten so much about my boys when they were younger (my oldest is only 5!... my memory sucks!) So, I'm going to start making my lists again, and I will be digging deep into my brain and writing down anything that I may remember from the past.

5 things from the last couple of weeks (other than the major one of Luke pooping on the potty. I already covered that):

1. While driving home the other night, Isaac and Luke were talking about poptarts. Isaac asked Luke if he liked poptarts, and Luke's reply was, "No. I like tuna fish".

2. The boys were eating some Spongebob fruit snacks (thanks, Grandma Pulley), and Isaac was lining all of his up to see which characters were in his bag: Mr. Crabs, pineapple, pineapple, pineapple, Patrick, pineapple, Squidward... no Spongebob. As he is holding Squidward he says, "I bet he's glad there is no Spongebob in here" (Squidward can't stand Spongebob). The two thoughts that went through my head at that moment are, "What a clever boy", and "We watch way too much Spongebob!".

3. Asa finally cut his first tooth. I guess 9 months isn't all that late for teeth, but my other two were both 6 months when they got theirs.

4. We took the boys on a couple of little "hikes" to enjoy the wonderful weather we have had. I love how fascinated they always are about EVERYTHING that they see. Flowers, cactus, horse poop, rocks, dirt, lizards, ants... it's amazing stuff! They LOVE picking flowers as they walk. I finally had to tell Luke to leave some for the deer to eat because it was literally taking us 15 minutes to walk 20 yards.

5. My favorite one: Tonight, as I was in my room folding clothes, Adam was taking Luke to his bed, and I hear Luke say, "Mommy's eewee (really) cool." If that didn't just melt my heart...

Isaac and Luke had to have their backpacks for our big trek.


  1. I love lists. I also love those cute boys with their backpacks!

  2. Amy, I absolutely adore your whole family. I'm glad that you have a blog so that I can see what you guys are up to. It's so fun to read!

    Love, Tana

    P.S. Your comments always make me feel good about myself. :)

  3. That little Lukey is such a character. What a cute thing to hear. That would totally make my day. Can't wait to hear Caleb talk.

    I second what Tana said about how your comments make her feel good about herself. You are such a sweet positive building person.

    I was talking on the phone to my mom the other day and she said how she loves reading the comments people leave me on my blog. She said "You know whose comments are the cutest...Amy Pulley's". Just wanted to pass that along. Looks like you are able to do that for a lot of people...awesome!

  4. haha, that is great with the poptarts. You have some healthy kids there - tuna over pop-tarts?! Also, don't watch much spongebob, but that is a fairly remarkable train of thought. I don't watch spongebob to know, but I wouldn't have thought of it even if I had. Also, great idea on keeping the blog/journal going, 'cuz it is fun to look back on. And fun for me to read!!

  5. This is so great! I should follow suit, because I've been incredible lame with keeping up on my blog lately. Stress and stuff is no excuse. I can come up with 5 things. Seriously.

    I love getting these glimpses into your life, Amy!

  6. I like the 5 things list. I bet in 10 years you will look back and will be happy to remember those 5 simple happy things. We went on a hike this weekend too. Horay for warmer weather.

  7. What a good idea. I may have to steal it. What a sweet family you have.
